Thursday, January 13, 2011

Bit of a crush, really...

So, I went and saw Love and Other Drugs a couple of weeks ago with my Mum and a few other women. It's a pretty solid film, especially because you get to see a lot of Jake Gyllenhaal without too many clothes obstructing the view.

I've been a fan of Jake's since way back when he was a dorky teenager in Donnie Darko (which was made in 2001, but I didn't see 'til like 2004, when I was old enough to start grasping the concept of the film), but recently I've noticed that he has well and truly come of age. I saw Prince of Persia with a friend of mine a couple of months ago, and well... I can't really remember much of the story, but I do know that he is very good looking.

But seriously, how could you not love that face?