Sunday, September 5, 2010


Food is one of those things... everyone needs it to survive, yet too much or too little can cause major problems. Some of it's ridiculously good for you, but tastes bad, and some is ridiculously bad for you, but tastes good. Today as I was blog trawling through the inter nets, I realised that food is one of those things that maybe shouldn't be photographed by just anyone. When it's good, it looks friggin' awesome. But when it's bad, it's enough to make you nauseated. Things like ice cream sundaes, for example, or brownies, or really cute cupcakes, tend to always look good. Ditto coffee. However, things like burgers, pizza, curry and bacon and eggs should only be attempted by the experts; if you get the slightly wrong angle suddenly the entire meal looks as though it's dripping in oil, grease and other things that are just plain nasty.

On a similar note, I'm here to declare my love of coffee and my hatred of Starbucks. I'm all for big, capitalistic corporations (!) but seriously. A little bit of finesse, please. I would like a well-made cappucino, not a piss-weak ginormous cup of milk and sugar topped with cream and caramel and sprinkles, with half a burnt shot of espresso thrown in for good measure.

Starbucks: Coffee for people who don't like coffee.

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