Monday, September 20, 2010

Magic and Words

Art is not about thinking something up. It is the opposite - getting something down.
- Julia Cameron

I'm at the tail end of my study for my Art History image test tomorrow. Pretty good feeling. Anway, I thouight I'd share a bit of Signac. He never considered himself an artist, but he knew a lot of the Impressionists and Post-Impressionists in Paris, and clearly something rubbed off. This is his awesome painting "Portrait of Felix Feneon against an enamel background of rhythmic beats and angles, tones and colours", from 1890. Phew. I'm impressed I remembered that - I think that's the first time I didn't cheat and look at my notes!

But I digress. Here's the painting (it's a work of pointilism). Isn't it marvellous?

Then, because really if there's one thing I'm good at, it's distracting myself, I found a function on my camera that lets me take good photos of written documents. And let me tell you, it made my test notes look really good!

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