Tuesday, October 19, 2010

What's in YOUR handbag?

I just found the ultimate in girlie voyeurism... a website dedicated to showing what's really in girl's handbags. Finally, I get to see if other people carry around as much crap in their bags that I do! (And the answer is yes, they do. I am not alone in my carrying of assorted paraphernalia in my generally oversized handbag). Interested? Check it out at http://fuckyeahwhatsinyourbag.tumblr.com/

And what's in mine? Well... I should probably make a list.

Wallet, keys (mostly), phone, ipod, makeup, camera, a novel, bottle of water, prescription sunnies and their case, normal sunnies, spare contact lenses, hand sanitiser, a pen (or more), a notebook (when I remember), painkillers, (in winter) gloves/scarf/hat, aaaaand lip balm. Not a bad effort, really.

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