Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Cash Flow

So, I was on Facebook the other day (honestly, I don't know what I'd do were it not for social networking - probably my assignments!) when I noticed that there is a new 'like' page called "University: It's like being on the dole, but your parents are proud of you". This made me giggle, at least until I realised how true it is.

For most of last year - 2009 - I was a recipient of the Australian Government's Youth Allowance scheme. This was perfect, because it meant that I only had to work a couple of days a week, and providing that I didn't earn too much, I'd get a small amount of money deposited in my account every second Monday courtesy of KRudd to help with study costs. Over the summer holidays, however, with no studies to distract me, I worked pretty much full time - and was cut off from my study money! Honestly, that was one of the worst letters I'd ever received. So, I waited until my earnings had dropped again, and reapplied a few weeks ago. God forbid I have to live on my own money during term time.

The best part? My parents ARE proud of me. My Mum in particular encouraged me to reapply for Youth Allowance as soon as I could (and let's not beat around the bush; it's effectively the dole). I'm thinking that I should milk this for all it's worth - I get the feeling that no one would be proud of me for receiving Centrelink payments once I've graduated.

Oh - and if anyone's interested in that Facebook group, you can find it here.

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